Discover Dooks
Just a 15 minute cycle from Glenbeigh is a perfect oasis for all the family on a fine summers day. Noted for being the local beach of choice for Jet Skiers, Speed Boats & Summer Visitors – Dooks Beach is a beautiful sandy cove with stunning views to Rossbeigh Beach, Reennanallagane Point and views towards Inch & Cromane.
Take a left when leaving The Glenbeigh Hotel towards Caragh Bridge taking another left sign posted for Dooks Golf Club and continue on this winding quiet road. You will reach a small bridge in the road over a stream where you will take the next left which will lead you to Dooks Beach. Here you can sit back and relax, enjoy the views and swimming for the day as well as catch a glimpse of the stunning Brent Geese who love to flock around this beach.